

It would be awesome if the (Belgium) android (banking) apps stopped relying on the Google MLKit library for simply scanning barcodes .. I mean, it isn't that hard to use an open source library out that does the trick as well.



I'll tag new releases for Display Suite and Field Group in the first week of 2024. Especially DS contains massive fixes with BC settings which are enabled automatically when upgrading. Testers welcome for the 8.x-3.x branch to see I haven't broken anything crucial - I'm pretty sure I haven't, but hey, I'm only human :) Happy holidays! #drupal


Pro PHP Guzzle tip: if you need to send a file resource, don't pass in 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' yourself in the headers. You've just won a couple of hours of your life.



Ok, I know strict comparison is usually safer, but this, really PHP .. ?!

$value = 0;
if ($value == 'isNull') print 'I am null';