
De splitsing

Last year I spent a lot of evenings writing a script for a play I had in mind. And finally it's there, the first production is coming the first weekend of december. You are all invited! If you don't understand dutch, make your own story while watching, who knows we come up with an idea for another play :) More information and tickets reservation are available on

De splitsing

Stop telling users that another user has modified the content in Drupal 8

Every Drupal developer knows the following error message (maybe some by heart): The content has been modified by another user, changes cannot be saved. In Drupal 8 the message is even a bit longer: The content has either been modified by another user, or you have already submitted modifications. As a result, your changes cannot be saved. While this inbuilt mechanism is very useful to preserve data integrity, the only way to get rid of the message is to reload the form and then redo the changes you want to make.

It's time to create an album

There was a time that I was a tiny rock star. At least in Gent. I played in a band, we even made into Humo's Rock Rally once, but got friendly declined to enter the next round. Then, real life starts and you forget a rehearsal or two, ending up alone again in your room. Just like you were 14 again, practicing chords on your first guitar. Nothing is wrong with that, but one piece is missing: an album.